My Healing Process
God designed our bodies to heal
Regardless of the condition—as long as we provide the proper environment and materials for the body to work as designed.
My Healing Process
God designed our bodies to heal
Regardless of the condition—as long as we provide the proper environment and materials for the body to work as designed.
Phase 1: Stabilize
Reduce Inflammation & Improve Nutrition
"You have to be stable in order to heal."
Healing is a process that must start with stabilization. If you're not stable you're like a leaky dam. Until the holes are filled you can't truly heal. In this step, we focus on reducing inflammation, enhancing gut function, and increasing nutrition.
Phase 2: Detox
Detoxify your body & adjust your habits
"No dirty wound ever heals and a toxic body can't heal either."
Detoxification is where we open up the detox pathways, eliminate accumulated waste, and enhance drainage. However, it is crucial that we follow a very specific process and detox from the colon, out.
Phase 3: Fortify
Repair your microbiome & hormone balance
"Heal your microbiome and your microbiome will heal you."
Fortifying is all about repairing and rebuilding. In this phase, we will focus on healing from the center, out. Microbiome repair, balancing hormones, enhancing immunity, and emotional healing are all apart of this phase.
Phase 4: Thrive
Improve your energy balance & cellular regeneration
"This step is where any patient gets their health back and maintains it for life."
Thriving is all about maintenance and is a continuous process. This step is where we have attained cellular regeneration and the microbiome is now healing you! It is where we maintain all the ground we've gained in the healing process, and continue to lunge forward!

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Click Apply Now to start your healing journey. After you complete the brief application, our patient coordinator will contact you to schedule a discovery call with our health coach. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.